This week I was delighted this week to learn that I’d been awarded the Master Photographers Association Scottish Region Commercial and Industrial Photographer for 2020 (an award that I’ve also won before in 2018, 2017 and 2016 so it makes it extra special)
You were not expecting such amazing sun (in March!). You were not planning an outdoor ceremony in the glorious playground. You were not planning an intimate dinner with your closest family and friends. And yet you had the most perfect celebration. We salute you and love both you and your wonderful attitudeIf the days leading up to you wedding were so fluid (for want of a better word!) and you’ve managed to navigate this so skilfully, we know that your marriage and all that lies ahead of you will be the perfect marriage.
I’ve had to learn patience over the last few months in a whole new way. There’s been nothing else for it. And I’ve also had to learn that not all of the juggling was necessarily a good thing. I might have thought it was, and even slightly prided myself on it, but now looking back I’m not sure that pride was justified.
Why? Because juggling requires constant motion and it doesn’t build in enough time for rest or slowing down.
Morningside Gallery is something of a treasure in Edinburgh. You’ll walk in the and immediately feel calm – perhaps it’s the inviting atmosphere, the gentle music drifting across the threshold, the sense of space as you enjoy the artwork, or the warm welcome of the gallery team.
It might sound ridiculous that we, as a photography studio in Edinburgh, actually care about what soap we use in our washroom. But we do.
The unknown is hard. Fact. It’s crazy to think that two or three months ago the word coronavirus meant nothing to most of us. Now it’s creating fear in us, […]
In this time of hibernation you could either lick your screen or better still, order a box of brownies and slowly put the world to rights one bite at a time.
Cancer. The word you never want to hear. At least not in relation to yourself, or someone you love. The first time the word was applied to me was as I was introduced to my breast cancer nurse in July of this year.
Alie and I had a conversation a few days ago that went along the lines of “Do you think that one day soon we’ll wake up and this whole COVID-19 illness will be nothing but a dream?”