Commercial photography: Araminta Campbell

25 Mar 2020

It’s time to curl up on the sofa…

Alie and I had a conversation a few days ago that went along the lines of “Do you think that one day soon we’ll wake up and this whole COVID-19 illness will be nothing but a dream?”

Our global, political, business and personal world has been changed beyond anything we’ve ever known. One 24 hour period can brings any number of unfathomable developments.

What remains undisputed is that we need to heed the advice that our remarkable NHS and Government are giving. We have to support our friends, families and loved ones. These ties will only be strengthened as we journey through these challenging times together.

Writing personally, Alie and I are hugely grateful to Sarah and Bianca as we walk through these days together as a team.

The same goes for our clients and wider business support networks. The messages of encouragement, random acts of kindness and hugely generous gifts have meant so much to us. Thank you for thinking of us in these times.

More often than not, life is crazy mad and busy. It’s only when you slow down, curl up on the sofa and pause from the fast-paced life that we all lead that you think maybe, just maybe life shouldn’t be this way?

Writing this blog post reminded me of this wonderful shoots we have completed with Araminta Campbell to provide imagery for their online shop.

The sublime range of this artisan Scottish team would, in my humble opinion, be the perfect cocoon for us all to shelter under in these testing times…

We’re dreaming of the days when we’re back in the studio working with our band of incredible clients. Until then, please email the studio on and we’ll be in touch.


Niels & Alie, Sarah and Bianca x