First Family Photoshoot

10 Mar 2021

First Family Photoshoot

A first family photoshoot is always special. This lovely four were gifted a voucher as a joint birthday and Christmas present from Mum and Sister. What a perfect gift.

The littlest (Maya), at just one, was a pocket rocket who didn’t sit still and was an absolute bundle of joy photograph.  Just look at that smile. Big brother Oskar was so handsome with his little shirt and tie; a perfect poser.

Photoshoots like this are high energy and often parents leave wondering if we’ve got any photographs. Trust us, that reaction is so normal. The delight when we share the photographs captured is all the more sweet. Photographs which are personality-packed and make everyone smile.

As a professional family photographer our job is to embrace the energy of the photoshoot and let the kids have fun. It helps that we have a lovely big, bright studio where the kids are safe and feel at home quickly. We also have one or two tricks up our sleeves to help nail the kind of photographs we know families will love.

We love that these four now have images they’ll treasure forever on their wall. That is the kind of legacy we want to help create.

Big Blue Sky love

Sarah x




Why First Family Photoshoots are so Important

We believe first family photoshoots are so important as they are the start of recording your family’s legacy for years to come. The chances are you’ll have lots of images of your kids on their own, most likely on your phone if you’re honest. But of all of you together? Your complete family unit, with you in it – how many of those do you have?

We know parents don’t often want to be in the photographs and yes we’ve heard all the excuses (I’m not photogenic, when I’m at my target size/shape, when I’ve had my hair done) BUT we say don’t ever put it off. Your kids will want to see you in the photographs, now and even more in the future. These images are so important as it helps your kids see you all together as a tight family group.

There’s also something lovely about the experience of your first family photoshoot. You can encourage the kids to relax around the camera and not be self-conscious. It’s so good to start this when they’re little as they’ll grow up more chilled about having their photograph taken. Our studio is perfectly set up for photoshoots to be relaxed so the kids are safe (i.e. you’re not chasing them round a park or beach) while allowing them to jump about and be themselves. We have lots of lovely toys in the studio to help, but we also encourage you to bring along any favourites.

Professional family photoshoots are so important as they will help you pause time a little. We all know that the baby years go by in a blink of an eye, but as parents ourselves we are so aware that time just doesn’t slow down at any stage. In fact it has a habit of speeding up as soon as you get to the school years.

If you’d like to chat more about ideas for your first family photoshoot then get in touch. We’re happy to help with suggestions of what to wear, when is the best time to book and what to do with your photographs afterwards (from prints to wall art we can help guide you)

You may already be itching to book your first family photoshoot (especially following lockdown life) so why not book your shoot online and then we can start planning it.

Book your Family Photoshoot