“I hate having my picture taken”: 5 reasons you can trust Blue Sky Photography

19 Apr 2019

"I hate having my picture taken": 5 reasons you can trust Blue Sky Photography

The phrase “I hate having my picture taken” is one we’ve heard often.

Parents LOVE pictures of their kids but literally scrutinise everything they don’t like about themselves.

Brides LOVE our wedding photographs but think ‘”that bride looks amazing … I won’t photograph as well as them.”

Can I officially say right now it’s ok to want to look your best… and as your own photographers we’re always on your side and will always be there to get the best from you.

You can trust Blue Sky Photography to make you look fabulous. And here’s 5 reasons why…


Alie x

1. You’ll not be judged (we’ve seen it all)

First we don’t judge. At all.

As photographers we have literally seen it all. And nothing phases us. You can trust us to accept you as you are and then make the most of you.

Whether you have a full head of hair, or less than you’d like; whether you are not the size or shape you’d love to be (let’s be honest – who is); whether you’re style personified, or still experimenting with your perfect look.

Whoever you are, we don’t judge, and we will accept you as you are.

What’s more we happen to know that whoever you are we’ll be able to get some cracking photographs of you (that you’ll love)…

2. You are beautiful just the way you are

Secondly we have an innate belief that we are all photogenic in our own way. We’ve just seen lots of bad photographs of ourselves. Because we believe everyone is photogenic. Feel free to challenge us on that one.

You need a photographer who balances making you feel good and look good.  We know that angles and flattering lighting are our challenge to solve, not yours.

You just need to turn up and be yourself and we’ll do the rest.

And when you see a photo of yourself where you can see how much you love your kids, or your other half (and vice versa) then we know for a fact that you’ll never stop looking at it.

If you trust us, this is what we want to create for you.

Photographs that show love.

3. You’ll get to know us, not the camera

Thirdly we give you space for you and yours. Space to play. Space to laugh. Space to be yourselves.

Whether that’s in our studio, on an engagement shoot or on your wedding day…we know how to give you the space to be comfortable and be yourselves.

We’ll never rush you, or make you feel as though you’re having to perform for the camera.

You’ll get to know us, not the camera.

And that’s how we get photographs that you’ll love.

4. You’re our focus – we’re on your side

Fourthly we’ve got your back.

We love it when personality shines through. We want you to look at photographs of your favourite people and say “that’s so them”

As your photographers, we believe that your trust has to be earned rather than automatically given. That’s why enjoy getting to know you before anything else.

And yes of course that includes getting to know Grandmother Ebe (who, ‘modelling’ here at Dundas Castle, was even more fun than you can imagine!)

5. You’ll look the very best version of you

At Blue Sky Photography, we know how to edit (that’s why we have a Bianca).

When it comes to editing, you can trust us to get the tones right, whether it’s colour or black and white.

We believe timeless outruns trendy (you won’t find any desaturated instagram filter effects on our photographs).

You can also trust us to remove the unnecessary bits (think baby drool or that killer spot that just arrived on the day of your shoot)

As above, when it comes to editing we’re on your side to create the best version of you. Fact.

Now you know you’ll look amazing, book your photography shoot online with Blue Sky Photography.