Blue Sky Family photography Studio Re-Opens

18 Jun 2020

Blue Sky Family photography Studio Re-Opens

The Blue Sky Family Photography studio re-opens and we are so excited. This will happen with Phase 2 in line with government guidance for small businesses.

So if you’ve been waiting for professional photos of you new baby who’s been born in lockdown, or your little people who’ve grown slightly larger, now is your time to get organised and get a date into the diary.

Read on for how we’re going to safely operate in the new temporary (we refuse to call it normal) world…

You've plenty of space for social distancing

One of the things we’re known for at Blue Sky is our beautiful, light, airy and large photography studio. This means you have plenty of space to roam and we can easily create brilliant images of one family together while maintaining social distancing.

We're by appointment - we're ready when you are

This isn’t a change for us as we’ve always been by appointment at Blue Sky. This allows time for our preparation and to ensures your time with us is never rushed. This is how we’ve always worked and remains the same.

You're never rushed - and we're deep cleaning between shoots

Initially we will limit shoots to one family group per half day so that we allow a minimum of 2 hours for cleaning. This feels right and best practice for everyone.

Our cleaning rota will be visible for all to see and will include all public spaces of the studio.

Cleanliness has always been a priority - we've simply taken it up a notch

You’ll know that cleanliness has always been a top priority for us at Blue Sky. We’ve always been fanatical about tidying, cleaning and making the studio look and smell amazing. Some may say we’re slightly obsessed, but we know that it leaves a lasting impression. And that doesn’t change in this new temporary. 

When Alie underwent chemo last year we all as a team, took hygiene to a whole new level and we already have a stock of handgel ready to go. 

We’ve taken this up another notch and you’ll now you’ll find swish hand sanitiser dispensers on every floor, so it’s easy to freshen hands whenever you like. 

Facemasks by Freja Fashion

While not current government guidance, we are planning to wear facemasks for shoots with families just as an extra precaution for all.

It also helps that we have lush facemasks from Freja Fashion so to be honest just want to show them off a little.

I mean we’re hoping that at no other point in life are facemasks going to be a style option so we may as well milk it now.

We're helping you with posing newborn babies

When it comes to newborns we are used to being very hands-on with little people so it will be a change for us. We’re naturally sad at not being able to cuddle and help pose and settle our Blue Sky babies, but we know this is part of the bigger picture of health and safety for now.

To help overcome this we have introduced a new baby into the Blue Sky Family. She’s (as yet nameless) is the size and weight of a real newborn baby and is perfectly posable so will be a great help when we’re guiding mums and dads on posing techniques. Our plan is to demo on (insert name here!) to show you how to settle and support your baby so that we’ll be able to weave our magic and create some amazing newborn photographs with your support.

If you’d like to get involved in naming the new Blue Sky Baby, head over to Facebook and give us your suggestion – there’s a prize in it for the winning name…

Come over and enjoy our freshly painted Edinburgh photography studio

Whilst there have been the limitations of lockdown that have paused much of life over recent weeks (as with everyone else) but there is also lots that we have been working on. You know us and will know only too well that we’ve not just been watching walll to wall watching Masterchef Australia (I promise!). No matter what Alie says…!

We’re currently beavering away behind the scenes to get our studio all freshly painted and ready for re-opening (check out our Instagram and Facebook stories) for some sneaky previews of what’s been going on…

#BigBlueSkyLove - now and always

We are so excited to seeing our lovely clients again and to meeting new ones. Drop us an email if you want to book in a session, and remember you can always pop online 24/7 and purchase a photography gift voucher, which are valid for full year (particularly good for all those grandparent photo opportunities you’ll want to catch-up with when allowed)


Niels, Alie, Sarah & Bianca