The Blue Sky Photography Blog

Welcome picture lover, you are among friends

Because Your Mum Matters


When it comes to family photography we love nothing more than seeing different generations coming together. If you’d like to say Thank You Mum in then book a Mother’s Day photography session online.

Newborn Photography – Ideal time to Book

Babies , Families

We want it to be as easy as possible for your newborn photography as we know that when baby arrives you’ll have lots of other things to think about…

Newborn Photo Shoot


The studio was warm and cosy for this newborn photoshoot… and this little one was clearly dreaming happy dreams.

Relaxed Newborn Photography

Babies , Families

Relaxed newborn photography in our Edinburgh studio

Dundas Castle Winter Wedding

This relaxed winter wedding at Dundas Castle was perfect in every way. Including a little corner of Narnia for the kids…

The Best Scottish Wedding venues imaginable… Edinburgh Castle

Blue Sky Photography , Real Life Weddings

Allow us introduce you to Edinburgh Castle, one of our favourite wedding venues on our Goosebump List.

How to photograph newborns

Babies , Families

We want to talk about newborn photography. As family photographers it’s a core part of what we do and we love it. The birth of your baby is miraculous. Your […]

Teammates for Life

Wow what a start to 2019! We’ve so many highlights: from their first sneaky handhold (round the door so they didn’t actually see each other) to the winter light fading on the hills… through to their epic fireworks.

The Best Scottish Wedding venues imaginable… Drumtochty Castle and St Palladius Church, Auchenblae

Blue Sky Photography , Real Life Weddings

Allow us introduce you to Drumtochty Castle, one of our favourite wedding venues on our Goosebump List.