
12 Mar 2019

#MarchMeetTheMaker - meet some of our remarkable commercial photography clients

Over the last couple of days, you’ve most likely seen instagram posts with the hashtag #MarchMeetTheMaker popping up on social media.

March Meet the Maker is the brainchild of Joanne Hawker and is a 31 day Instagram challenge that allows creative industries to share the unique story of what they do,  build communities within small business and raise profile across social platforms.

We are privileged to shoot and work with a phenomenal bunch of small business owners, from Not On The High Street partners, a proper traditional family butcher, online gifting companies, jewellers, chocolatiers, stationers to ice cream makers…and a whole load more!

Every single idea is united by belief, tons of passion, nuggets of genius ideas and masses of hard work.

Connect with Blue Sky –  meet us as makers over on Instagram and if you’re loving the look of our commercial work, drop us a line and see what you and Blue Sky could do together…

Big Blue Sky love,

Niels x

Meet our Makers

Arran Ice Cream – www.arranicecream.co.uk

Clime Net – www.climemet.com

Dust & Things – www.dustandthings.com

Jenny Grace Jewellery – www.jennygracejewellery.co.uk

Quirky Gift Library – www.quirkygiftlibrary.co.uk

Saunderson’s Quality Family Butchers – www.johnsaunderson.co.uk

S Luca Dairy Ice Cream – www.s-luca.co.uk

Sophie & Bird – www.sophieandbird.com

Summer House Drinks – www.summerhousedrinks.com

Twenty-Seven.Co.Uk – www.twenty-seven.co.uk

All commercial photography by Blue Sky Photography – www.blueskyphotography.co.uk