Five tips for planning your wedding in the middle of a global pandemic

15 Jan 2021

Covid-19 wedding planning advice

We have survived the rollercoaster that was 2020. For anyone planning a wedding we know how horrible and stressful it was. Well done to all of you who got through it and are still smiling. Yes even semi-smiles count.

Weddings are not simply a frivolous party that can be re-scheduled easily. It’s a kind of celebration like no other as it involves the whole family – from Granny to littlest nephew. Whether it’s a small or huge wedding all this takes time, care, love and attention.

The challenge is, and I think we all know now, Covid-19 is not going anywhere (sigh). Vaccines are coming (hallelujah), but we’re still not sure how quick the roll-out is going to be. The truth is lots of us don’t want to keep putting our life on hold, so when it comes to thinking to the future we say bring it on.

If it helps, here are our top five tips for planning a wedding in the middle of a global pandemic.

Alie x

1. Focus on what (and who's) important

Now more than ever you need to think about what’s important to you two and your wedding. Deciding on the type of day you want will help you decide on when it can happen.

If you’ve got your heart set on a huge party with all of your family and friends from all over the world and dancing ’til the wee hours then perhaps you want to think about planning for later this year… and dare I say it 2022. The crazy thing is that 2022 will be here before we know it.

If you’re keen on having your most favourite people with you then perhaps a smaller, more intimate wedding is for you. At the moment, as I write this post in lockdown v.2, we’re back to weddings of 5 in Scotland, which let’s face it, isn’t an option for most people.

We’re hopeful as we ease out of lockdown the numbers will increase again to 20, and as we move towards more people being vaccinated then this number should increase further as we move forward spring into summer.

Yes I’m an optimist. But I believe in weddings and without being political, ultimately don’t believe the government wants to limit them any longer than it has too. If you’re debating if a smaller wedding is for you, take a peak at our Mini Blue Sky page for inspiration on photography options – we believe small is every bit as beautiful.

If you’re keen to keep up with the current guidelines in Scotland then the best place to keep track is through We Fell In Love – Scotland’s wedding blog. Christina and the team are all over current guidelines and have provided a great support for suppliers and couples alike. If you’re a Facebook User you might like to join the WFIL Circle to connect with other couples navigating wedding planning through the pandemic.

2. Pick your best wedding team

Wedding suppliers have never had to be more flexible than in the last 10 months. The pressure and stress of continual dates changing is real for businesses, as well as couples, but as ever, the wedding industry has risen to the challenge.

The most important thing is to book suppliers you connect with personally. Suppliers you can trust. So that should anything need to change or alter after you’ve made plans then you know they’ve got your back. And suppliers you can drop an email to or pick up the phone to when you need some advice or support.

Also worth saying don’t forget your own wedding team. Whether you’ve got siblings, or best buddies on your side, remember that that’s exactly what they are – on your side. Even if you can’t see them in person, you can still turn to them. They, of all people, know how important your wedding plans are to you.

Talk to your suppliers and friends about how you’re feeling and goes without saying that you should run any changes to the plans past them before you confirm anything. As we say to all our couples you can’t over-communicate. Never apologise for sending lots of messages. We’re more than ok with that.


3. Plan Ahead

The reality is once weddings start to increase in guest numbers then you can bet key dates are going to disappear fast (and with that your favourite suppliers). Our advice would be to book ahead and bag those dates now… even if it’s a few months in advance.

If you’ve got your heart set on a summer wedding then you might need to be flexible with the day of the week. Saturdays are likely to be hotly in demand for months ahead. Remember if plan in advance you can let you friends and family know which day you’re planning so they can book in their diary. Being honest people will be soo excited that they’ll be delighted to book something in their diary (you know those things we used to have that were jam-packed full!)

Also just because we’re in the middle of lockdown doesn’t mean you can’t invest in a wedding planning journal. Yes I am a self-confessed stationery magpie, but I do think a good journal goes a long way to helping you feel a bit more in control of the planning process. Here’s three of my favourites: Eucalyptus Wedding Planner from Paperchase, a fantastic beast of a wedding Filofax from kikki-K and a beautiful bride-to-be notebook from Funky Laser.

4. Be realistic with family and friends

This is a key one as you want to let your family and friends know what kind of wedding you’re planning (big or small) and re-assure them that you’re aware of the challenges if they are travelling and also being sensitive to health concerns.

Much as some people will be desperate to get their glad rags on and celebrate in style, others are still going to feel nervous for quite some time. Both are ok and tolerance and acceptance are going to be key words as we navigate past lockdown living.

Again, with planning in advance, you can have these conversations ahead of time.

5. Remember why you're getting married

This is undoubtedly the most important one.

If you remember the why then it will all come together, and however big or small and it will be the perfect day. Fact. You can hold me to that.


Alie x