Say it with (amazing) flowers…

07 Oct 2009

We 100% understand that your wedding day doesn’t just happen, it takes masses of effort and planning.  We love it when our brides and grooms give us lots of gorgeous details to take brilliant photographs of – we’re just wired that way!

One of  our favourite details is gorgeous flowers (you’ll notice another  is rings!). There are flowers, and then there is Planet Flowers… One of the distinctive things that the Planet Team do is play around with height – flowers are placed in small vases, middle sized vases and then amazing big displays of gorgeous blooms.  When this is done, it looks fantastic and wows your guests with layers of flowers and looks visually stunning.

We were privileged to do some shots of some amazing Planet creations recently which are being submitted for an international flower award – we’ll keep you posted on this and you’ll be the first to see them here on the Blue Sky blog.

Until then, enjoy some shots of some fabby Planet creations we’ve had gracing our coffee table over the last few weeks. Jed in particular loved the green moss sphere (he’s clearly got his daddy’s stylish taste at 3 years old already!)

Planet Flowers

Planet Flowers

Fabby autumn flowers from Planet

Planet Flowers

Planet Flowers