Roman holiday…

07 Nov 2011

Well, November has arrived.. this morning the frost coated the garden in its silvery trail and we’re one step closer to Christmas. Over the October break we took a few days out and headed to warmer climes – Italy…


Rome is one of the most amazing cities in the world. You almost can’t comprehend the scale and the design of the buidlings and architecture around you. Everywhere you look it’s ‘Wow – where did that come from?’ It’s also so incredibly styled and jam-packed with history and culture…


You may remember our trip to Paris last year, affectionately named, Team Paris. This year, we became Team Rome!


As we thought about going, we did ask ourselves if it was strictly sensible to take 2 small kids to one of the busiest cities in Europe? And did we really want to get up at 3.30am for a Ryanair flight (seriously – that is just not right whatever age you are!). But then we thought about how much fun we had in Paris and how much the kids got out of it and decided it would all be worth it… and it so was! We had total ball.


In the midst of all the amazing-ness of what Rome has to offer, Rome for us was time as a family… filled with yummy ice-creams; chasing pigeons; playing in fountains; playing in the sand at the Roman Forum; pretending to be lions at the Colosseum; enjoying local restaurants where the kids were treated so well; indulging in coffee and pastries for breakfast and generally just soaking up all the atmosphere of Roman life.


And as an added bonus we got to spend time with some of our most favourite wedding friends to do some shooting (while avoiding some of the mad traffic!) and some exploring. Always great to hang out with you Elemental, Cherry Tree and Archibald Photography and even better on holiday. Special huge thanks to Donna, Mark, Hannah and Jack for putting us up for a night when the lock failed in our apartment!!! You four are amazing. Thank you.


So here’s some of our highlights from our fab break in Rome – thank you for indulging us in sharing this with you. Where will we end up next year…?