Photographing Family Groups

20 May 2020

All Together

Photographing extended family groups is something we love doing. It took lots of co-ordinating to get everyone together in one place, at one time, to capture this portrait for Anne’s big Birthday (70). Not an easy task with 8 adults, 6 kids and don’t forget Inka the black lab (Anne & Alistair’s kids joke that he is actually their favourite child)

For us big groups like this are all about capturing the family in all the different combinations that make it up. All together as one,  then grandparents and grandchidren; grandkids on their own, parents and their parents and all the families too. It is a big job, but we have the space, time and patience to do this well.

Photographing family groups is part of our DNA and we love that the photographs we create will become part of family history forever. It’s the stuff of legacy.

Big Blue Sky love,

Sarah x