Mother’s Day…

14 Mar 2010

… Or Mothering Sunday as my Mum always likes to call it.

My mission for Mother’s Day this year was to get my Mum (the lovely and simply amazing Jean) in front of the camera. Trust me – not a task for the faint-hearted. Anyway, with a little persuasion along the lines of ‘do it for your grandchildren – go on.’ I managed to capture a couple of shots of Mum and the kids.

There are so many wonderful things about my Mum… she’s so good with people and chats to everyone; she loves children and they all adore her (especially our two); she puts other people’s needs before her own… oh and she loves a good murder (the detective kind – like Poirot or Taggart!)

Mum – we love you and though we do say it lots, we can never say it enough – Thank you for all you do and for being you. Lots of love, Alison (I have to use my proper name), Niels, Jed & Beth xxxx

Mum, Jed and Beth