Lucy & Chris, Pre-Wedding Shoot, Aberdeen

04 May 2011

How much do we love Aberdeen? Having both spent 4 years in the city it’s one of our favourite places.


It was great to be up recently and to spend the afternoon with Lucy and Chris. From Chris’ first ‘hello’ we felt like we’d come home. There’s something really fab about the Aberdonian accent.


When Lucy and Chris first mentioned using Johnston Gardens for their pre-shoot we were intruiged. The fact that we had no idea where it was made it all the more of an adventure for us. And what a find it is. A real secret garden with lots to explore. The added bonus is that we pretty much had it all to ourselves.


The Blue Sky award for most rain on a pre-wedding shoot goes to you two! It was mad wasn’t it? Absolutely bouncing! Thankfully we found some shelter in the gardens and to be fair Louis was in his element.


Seriously – how cute is Louis? We so wanted to take him home with us. And look how well he fits in the back of the Mini?


Thanks for being so much fun to hang-out with for the afternoon. We’re very excited about your wedding guys – we know it’s going to be so special.


Here’s some highlights of a top afternoon. Looking forward to seeing you soon,