Lovely little people

21 Sep 2009

We love the madness of our kids… it’s very rarely peaceful and calm, but it’s always (almost always!) lots and lots of fun. Over the last few weeks Jed and Beth have been becoming really good pals which is lovely. We can’t quite believe that Beth is already already 7 months old and she is soo determined to be on the move all the time. She adores Jed and can be heard chortling at him regularly. He of course, loves it and is definitely enjoying the big brother role! It’s great fun to see them both developing and yet it’s all just going so fast. We need to keep stopping and reminding ourselves to enjoy the “now” and to make sure we capture something of that for ourselves… here’s a few pictures we’ve taken recently, including some of them together over the weekend while playing in Grandpa’s garden…


Jed & Beth


Jed & Beth

Jed & Beth


Jed & Button

And some from visiting Jed and Beth’s cousins a month or so ago. The boys had so much fun…


Jed & Alistair

Jed & Alistair

Had to include this one… like father like son:
