Restoration Yard, Dalkeith Country Park

19 Apr 2020

Spring Fashion Shoot

I was recently reminded about this oh-so-amazing fashion shoot that we did with our great friends at Restoration Yard last year. It is too good not to share with you – we all need something blissful to enjoy and look forward to just now don’t we?

Working with the amazing team at Restoration Yard and stylist Laura Russell from Satisfashion we shoot this amazing capsule collection of ladies fashion ranges for spring and summer 2019. Inspired by bold floral prints and the iconic courtyard at the Yard the stage was set for a crazy lush shoot.

Here’s to the next amazing shoot with this cracking team in the months ahead. In the meantime, why not hop onto Restoration Yard’s online shop and have a browse. The good news is they are still shipping.


Niels x

P.S. personal thanks to the utterly wonderful Claire Fleck who assisted on this shoot – you can see some of the behind the scenes images from this shoot she took in the next blog post.