Commercial photography: Shooting in the dark

10 Jul 2019

Benugo Events at the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh

A few weeks ago I was shooting with the amazing Benugo Events team here in Edinburgh at the National Museum of Scotland. I was literally shooting in the dark.

The brief was to document the food and event that the Benugo Event team had designed with their client at the National Museum of Scotland.

So, I hear you asking – why was I shooting in the dark? Allow me to explain…

As the event was using the main gallery of the NMS, I was working in the Museum Brasserie with the lights off. In the dark. Doing the shoot this way gave me control of lighting and removed all the reflections from the lighting in the Brasserie. 

(As an aside, the coolest bit was when the team called security to turn off all the lighting remotely!)

And secondly (don’t tell anyone) but I actually really enjoyed it.

There’s something pretty cool about being allowed to work in an epic location like this on your own and being trusted to do your thing. 

If you want to see some sneaky behind the scenes pictures of me shooting in the dark, head over to my LinkedIn profile… meanwhile scroll down to see some of the incredible food the Benugo chefs created for this corporate event in Edinburgh. 

