Commercial Photography: Easter Product Photography

14 Apr 2020

Celebrating Easter with brilliant product photography

Easter product photography has always been one of the highlights of my year at Blue Sky Photography.

How was your long Easter weekend? Ours was understandably different from normal.

As we continue this new rhythm of staying home, it had me thinking forward to what the coming months will look like. It turns out that none of us know. Alie will testify that I’m really not very good at not knowing stuff.

I do not like surprise parties. I do not like surprise trips. I don’t even like surprise birthday presents.

So you can understand I’m a struggling a little bit with this whole lockdown surprise. And I don’t think I’m alone in this.

Easter speaks of new beginnings.  We all have to hope that we will get through this virus stronger, more united and more focused on building our communities and renewing friendships.

I know that we’ll soon be back shooting again in the studio; welcoming families, newborns and babies into our midst. I know that wedding celebrations will be that little bit more special. And I know that I’ll be shooting more products crafted with passion, creativity and love from our tribe of business owners.

I just don’t know when.

Until then, we salute the small businesses up and down the county.

We send Big Blue Sky Easter love to our friends at Twenty-Seven, Quirky Gift Library and Boutique Chocolate and we thank them for entrusting their Easter to us.


Niels x

Seasonal Product Photography

Seasonal product photography is part of our studio calendar. Generally photoshoots are planned well in advance and it’s not unusual for us to be photographing Christmas in the summer. This year I think we may all have to adapt that little bit more.


We’d love to help you plan your seasonal product photography so just get in touch if we can do anything at this stage. Even a blether on the phone can be a great starting place. We’re also more than happy to share our wonderful prop cupboard with you as we literally have something for each and every season.


There are key props that always symbolise Easter: bunnies, carrots, eggs, tulips. But remember you can suggest it in other more subtle ways through colour and creativity. When thinking about Easter product photography we’d always recommend fresh, bright images. Depending on your brand style you can opt for more muted or bolder colours.


For all of our clients we always start with the brief. This is so important as it helps us understand you and what your business is all about. It may sound odd, but it also helps you to stop and think what your business is all about. Clarity of thinking will mean you’ll understand what you want to achieve from your photography. When you know that and we start to work with you that’s when great things can happen.


Excited about Blue Sky Photography could create for you? Get in touch as we’d love to hear from you.

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