Claire & Euan’s Pre-Wedding Shoot, Glasgow

22 Oct 2009

I love Glasgow and often joke with Niels that it’s the true capital of Scotland. I won’t share his retorts! It was fab to be through in Glasgow and to spend time getting to know a lovely couple before their wedding next year. Claire and Euan I had a great afternoon with you two, exploring some of your local spots. It was a gorgeous afternoon with the soft autumn light and the warm colours. Looking forward to catching-up with you two soon and hearing about the house-hunting. Here are some of my favourites for now…

Claire & Euan, by the River, Glasgow

Claire in The Botanic Gardens, Glasgow

Claire & Euan in The Botanic Gardens, Glasgow

Claire & Euan at The Botanic Gardens, Glasgow

Claire & Euan, Lane, Glasgow

Claire & Euan in Ashton Lane, Glasgow

Claire & Euan in Ashton Lane, Glasgow

Claire & Euan, Ashton Lane, Glasgow