Autumn has arrived…

17 Oct 2009

We know autumn has arrived when we’ve taken our summer holiday! Photography is such an important part of our lives that we can’t help capture images of us, our surroundings and the kids, even when we’re on holiday… Here’s some of our fave shots from the past few weeks. The cottage we were staying in had beautiful grounds and Jed loved exploring the leaves, wood store and the mud…

Autumn leaves


Jed in the leaves

There were so many great places to explore and we got some fab shots with light at this time of year…

Alie & Jed

Niels & kids

Some of the things we collected…

What we collected

And the places we visited…

Niels & Jed at The Treehouse in Alnwick Gardens

The Treehouse at Alnwick Castle Gardens

Beth eating lunch at The Treehouse in Alnwick Gardens

Jed at The Treehouse in Alnwick Gardens

While back inside, Jed loved laughing at his favourite Fireman Sam DVD. Apparently it’s hilarious…
