Hello 39steps!

22 Jan 2016

Orange is the new black…

One of the coolest things about our studio is that we get to share no 90 (as we  affectionately call it) with our chums at  39steps – a flippin’ brilliant design and branding agency…

These guys are legends – we love chatting, plotting, planning, dreaming, laughing (possibly a little too loudly!), borrowing random objects, eating, shooting pictures, brewing coffee and working with these creative and inspiring people.

Today, we’re introducing you to Julie. Alie took this sequence of commercial headshots of this super cool and oh-so-foxy lady. Check out Julie’s Instagram feed for her world of design and some of the most lovely handwriting ever!


PS – when you’re next visiting no 90, count the number of steps up to their offices – see how many there are…

Julie from 39 Steps